Dear Disciple,
Are you a disciple of Jesus? I realize it’s a strange question to ask someone after greeting them with “Dear Disciple”, but I ask very sincerely. I do not ask out of doubt, or as an accusation, but as an invitation for you to ask yourself.
Disciple means something in particular, of course, and it’s important that we periodically revisit what that is. What we do not want is for this identifying word to lose it’s clarity in our minds as “Christian” generally has in our society. “Christian” is a wonderful identifier, properly understood, but it’s seldom properly understood. “Disciple of Jesus” is an even better identifier, I think, but it has to be properly understood as well.
As simple as it seems, I ask you to consider all over again whether you are actively and purposefully learning from your Master Jesus’ words and example, following Him where He goes (through His Spirit), and serving Him in His purpose? Honestly thinking through these questions is one of the most important “tune-ups” we can do on ourselves in the course of our lives. This is because discipleship to Jesus can only be active and purposeful. It isn’t automatic. It doesn’t happen by osmosis. It is a chosen and costly way of life that has been generously made available by the Master of life in the Kingdom of God.
So, Disciple, what are you learning from your Master these days – wrestling through questions and rethinking reality? Where have you gone in your daily life (geographically or relationally) simply because your Master was going there? In what ways have you served Him in His purpose in this world?
Your original choice and commitment to follow Jesus may have been made long ago or very recently, but I implore you to remember that today requires another choice and commitment to follow Him. Choose all over again to submit to Him as King, rather than that usurper Satan or your flesh. Choose afresh to love and appreciate Him for all that He is and all He has done. Let your hope be set yet again on the promises of what He is going to do in the Father’s perfect time. He is worthy today of your love, allegiance, and loyalty just as He was that first day of your new life. In fact, you are more aware now than you were then of just how worthy He is! So here’s to a new day of living as joyful, grateful, humble, loving, and committed disciples of Jesus Christ!
Choosing Him again with you,
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