Dear Disciple,
“Blessed is the one… whose delight is in the law of YHWH, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers.” Psalm 1:1-3
For the next several days I’d like to draw your attention to the Psalms and what they reveal about your life as a disciple of Jesus. Our Master and His spokesmen frequently referenced the prophetic and moral truths of the Psalms, and the Psalms foreshadowed much of His teaching and lifestyle. More than just a songbook for Israel’s worship, the Psalms reveal a great deal about life with the true and living God – life that is caught up in His glory even as it is tethered to this dark and fallen world.
Today, Disciple, I want to invite you to consider King David’s description of the blessed person. The blessed one doesn’t go the way of the wicked, sinners, or mockers. Instead, they persistently and reliably think on God’s law. That word of God is most perfectly taught and exemplified by our Master Jesus – what is says and what it means. This “meditation” is deep and rich, connecting Jesus’ commands to everyday life and very present challenges. The blessed person doesn’t view Jesus’ law as simply a demanding list of rules; they view it as a vision for life in God’s kingdom that is whole and full.
When Jesus sent out His apostles to announce His message to the peoples of the earth and make disciples, He told them to baptize people and teach them to obey all He commanded. This process of obeying and teaching obedience to all He commanded requires that we meditate effectively on what He has commanded. We must consider carefully what He is calling us to be and do as His faithful ones. We must move beyond those texts that affirm our salvation and give us comfort; we must dwell regularly on the Master’s expectations and standards for His kingdom community.
There is a rich reward for those who meditate on and then apply themselves to obey the King’s commands. As the psalmist wrote so long ago, you can be consistently fruitful in your life as a disciple, prospering in all you do in His name. You can draw on the constant supply of His “streams of water” (see v. 3). Truly, the key to having the kind of life that so many disciples long to have is revealed here: devotion to meditating consistently on the authoritative instructions of our Master.
Meditate on what Jesus said, Disciple. Ponder His words, wrestle with them, discuss them, and then trust Him enough to simply do as He said. Thankfully, you will not need to do it alone. His very presence is always available to You in the process, and His people are as well. The fruitful life is meant for you, and if you are not yet enjoying it, embrace this invitation to begin doing so. It will take discipline and effort, but all worthwhile things do, and this is the most worthwhile goal you could ever pursue. You are, after all, a disciple of the true King Jesus and a citizen of His eternal kingdom!
Pursuing fruitfulness with you,