Dear Disciple,
“To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father—to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen.” Revelation 1:5,6
You belong to a Master who loves you, has freed you by His own blood, and has made you to be a part of something phenomenal. Consider carefully what John wrote to our ancient brothers and sisters. Notice his use of “us” in each wonderful phrase. The great apostle and friend of the Lord understood himself to be a part of a large and indescribably blessed community. You, too, belong to this community because you belong to Jesus.
I want to invite you to revel in the truth that you have been made to be a part of a kingdom and priesthood to serve our Father. Both “kingdom” and “priests” speak of glory and power, as well as calling and responsibility. Celebrate today, Disciple, that you are a treasured and celebrated part of the eternal kingdom of God. More than just receiving a kingdom, you are a part of what makes the kingdom what it is. Yes, you and your brothers and sisters are the kingdom our Master is building.
As if that were not enough, you are a priest of God. You are called and empowered to minister before the Holy One offering sacrifices of praise and obedience (see Hebrews 13:15 and Romans 12:1). Before John had written this, Peter had written to other disciples that they were a part of the “royal priesthood” (1 Peter 2:9).
Be holy today, Disciple. Walk nobly and with the dignity of your calling. Be separate from the world and its ways even as you work to bring light to those who are in it. Follow the beautiful example of your Master, the High King and High Priest, who has loved, saved, and called you. He lived in this world in the fullness of humanity, but He never lived as a part of its system and ways. He defied the self-focus that dominates all aspects of the worldly kingdom. He lived for Father above all by living for the good of those around Him. This is why He was worthy to be our great High Priest, and we are priests under Him. This is how God sees you! May He empower you to see yourself this way that you may shine brightly in this world to His great glory.
Seeking to live up to this beautiful calling with you,