Dear Disciple,
With all wisdom and understanding, he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment—to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ. Ephesians 1:8b-10
As you begin your new week, your mind might very easily turn towards the details of what must be done for work, children, school, finances, etc. Mine might, too. Your mind should, of course, focus on doing these things – and doing them well – but I want to remind you of the larger plot behind and underneath them all.
Paul expressed great praise to God here in the beginning of his letter, and he gave a multitude of reasons. The one I want to place before you now is this wonderful truth that our Father chose to let us in on His ancient secret. There has been for “ages and generations” a mystery about what God’s been up to (see Ephesians 3:5 & Colossians 1:26). In Jesus, at last, He chose to make it known. More than that, it was “His good pleasure” to do so (Ephesians 1:9).
One of the key elements of that mysterious purpose of God throughout the ages has been to bring everything in the cosmos together under Jesus. Sin – in fallen angels and fallen humanity – has fractured and divided God’s “very good” creation, and He has never been content with that. In all that God has done throughout the millennia, He has been working toward this ultimate goal. And now you’re a part of it.
May you keep firmly in mind, Disciple, that the people you encounter, the tasks you have to perform, and the emotions and thoughts you wrestle through about it all really do matter because they are a part of something so much bigger. The vastness of God’s purpose does not make your life or your day insignificant; quiet to the contrary, they infuse all parts of your living with purpose and meaning. Remember the grand purpose that God is working toward, and you’ll be able to work toward it with Him in what you’re doing today. You’ll be able to follow the Spirit’s lead as He directs you to invest these fleeting moments in a way that will bear fruit that lasts forever.
You’re connected, Disciple, to so many people and things around you, because we’re all a part of God’s treasured creation, and He wants to redeem and recreate it all together under His Beloved. Treasure the people around you today, too, knowing that Father has them in view for His cosmic plot, just as He has you. What an exciting reality to be a part of!
Living in the bigger picture with you,