Dear Disciple: Power from Above

Dear Disciple,

“Do you refuse to speak to me?” Pilate said. “Don’t you realize I have power either to free you or to crucify you?”  Jesus answered, “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin.”  John 19:10-11

Your Master’s trial was a very clear contrast between two rulers. Pilate is shown to be a leader who had a clear sense of what was right (at least in this situation), but who chose to let fear and self-preservation prevail. He let the cries and demands of the Jerusalem rulers and crowd bully him into condemning an innocent man to brutal suffering and death. Your Master, on the other hand, proved to be immovable in His pursuit of God’s purpose and His commitment to doing what was right, even when it meant He would suffer for it. He could not be distracted or deterred by the protests of His own disciples or the venomous threats of His enemies.

From what did Jesus’ clear and courageous determination stem? It came from His absolute confidence in the Father. He saw His Father’s hand even in the cowering Roman governor who would hand Him over to death. He knew that Pilate was given His authority by God and that the injustice He faced was the Father’s plan unfolding. He didn’t need to be afraid or lash out in a panic against the injustice of it all. He stood firm in quiet resolve because He knew that His life was in the steady hands of His Father in Heaven.  

The Pilates of the world have to maneuver and compromise their way forward out of fear and intimidation. Taking paths of least resistance, they are blown here and there by the winds of public opinion or calculated outcomes. They might be able to recognize right and wrong and even speak eloquently of them, but if they do not finally act rightly, it means very little.

I invite you to consider carefully your two examples here, Disciple, because you wield power in your daily life. You wield the power of word and action that will either benefit or damage those around you. Those who hold authority in the home, work, or society must wield this power carefully, of course. Yet, even if you hold no such position of authority, your life is powerful because you have been made as an image of God.  You have influence for good or ill, whether you wish to have it or not. I implore you, Disciple, to follow the way of Jesus. Your Master’s example is beautiful and it is right. Live confidently and courageously. Do good and be sacrificial even when all the voices around you protest and condemn. See your Father’s presence and involvement in all that goes on so that you can boldly do as He calls you to do, trusting that He will never abandon you or fail you. Even if it leads to hurt and loss, this way will always lead to glory, joy, and peace. This is what you were created (and re-created) for. Use whatever power and influence granted to you from above to bring blessing to others and joy to the Master who bought you.

Choosing the way of Jesus with you,


Ryan Parish

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