Dear Disciple: Choose Your Master

Dear Disciple,

(Matthew 6:19-24)

You are a free being – sort of.  Yes, you have been created by God to have the power of will and choice, but remember that ultimately your freedom is to choose who will master you.  You, as honored as you are in all of the earthly creation, are a creature made by the High King.  You, with all humanity, are meant to rule as God’s images here on earth, but you are to do it under His authority and at His pleasure.

You have options, of course, as a free being.  You may choose to be mastered by all manner of imposter “gods” or “lords”.  Money (or “Mammon”) is one counterfeit master that our true Master identified.  Wealth and the stuff of earth can certainly woo a careless heart with their charms.  You and I live in the midst of a culture which easily and often falls prostrate at the altar of this tyrant that promises all and delivers only ash and death.  

Keep before your mind, Disciple, the simple lifestyle of your Master.  When the siren call of the world’s values reaches your ears, recall the voice of your Shepherd which has captured your heart innumerable times before.  He sings over you a vision of His kingdom where the real riches (Luke 16:11) of God’s creation await His friends.  The shadows of what this world calls precious mustn’t be allowed to deceive.  They are form without substance – flashy but fleeting.  

You chose well, Disciple, when you used your freedom to give your allegiance to Jesus of Nazareth, Son of God, and treasury of all wisdom and knowledge (Colossians 2:3).  What other master would offer himself — his whole self — to secure your very best?  What other lord would sincerely promise to share all with you?  

It will take purpose and care to hear His voice above the din of the Deceiver’s many calls.  Be alert, Disciple, and remember your calling to follow.  You are not an admirer from afar.  You are a companion and partner with your beloved Teacher.  Abide in Him, and let His Word abide in you.  Do this, and you will find that you have the truest wealth and the greatest treasure: life that is endless and full in the company of the true Master of all.

Treasuring Him with you,


Ryan Parish

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