Dear Disciple: Remember Well

Dear Disciple,

“You may say to yourselves, ‘These nations are stronger than we are. How can we drive them out?’  But do not be afraid of them; remember well what the LORD your God did to Pharaoh and to all Egypt.” Deuteronomy 7:17-18

Do you like Bible stories?  I wonder what some of your favorites are?  Which ones capture your imagination and really pull you in?  Kings and kingdoms at war, plagues and miracles deciding the fate of nations, the true God battling those falsely called “gods”, romances, conspiracies, plots and intrigues – and even talking animals!  Our Scriptures are full of stories of men, women, and children who have each played a part in God’s sweeping epic.  

There is a constant drumbeat throughout all the stories of the Bible: God is faithful to keep His promises, and He is mighty to deliver those who look to Him.  It is essential for us, then, to remember the stories.  Read and re-read them, Disciple.  Don’t rely on your memories of the stories from Sunday School so long ago.  Don’t settle for watching the movie, either.  Go to the source and soak in the drama of what real people experienced in the real world with the real God.  Let God’s past deeds of might, compassion, wisdom, and faithfulness fill your mind and settle into your spirit.  As your pray to the Father, recite with joy the many victories He has won and the faithfulness He has demonstrated throughout the story of His world.  

Why should we do these things?  Moses’ words to the Israelites (quoted above) give us one good reason: remembering well what He has done will grant us courage to do the next thing He has called us to do.  While it’s true that the courage and victorious faith of the Davids, Joshuas, and Esthers of the story inspire us, they are dead and gone!  It is the remembrance of what God has done that we need most to remember because He is alive and He is still with us.  He is still on the move doing extraordinary things to accomplish His purpose.  And, wonder of wonders, He is still using people like us to do it!

Be of good cheer, Disciple, and be courageous today.  Whatever the Spirit of God within you calls you to do, do it remembering what God has done through others like you.  As the apostle Paul (another flawed vessel) so wisely declared in a question: “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31).  

Learning to remember well with you,


Ryan Parish

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