Dear Disciple,
“But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” Luke 5:16
It is often said but so difficult to keep firmly in mind, and so I offer this reminder today: time alone with Father is absolutely crucial to your health and vitality as a disciple of Jesus. Our Master Himself, with the kingdom power of God flowing through Him and changing lives wherever He went, knew this need and “often withdrew”.
The truth is, Disciple, if we don’t go to lonely places at times to be with Father, we can easily become lonely in the crowds. Being intimately connected to Him is our anchor to reality as it really is, rather than as this worldly system would have us perceive it. Worship, gratitude, confession, intercession, and quiet in His presence renew the spirit like nothing else can.
We must not remain in the lonely places, of course. Some of us would love to, while others cannot even imagine it, but we are called to mission in the world. We go to the lonely place of prayer so that when we’re no longer alone with God we can be intimate with Him and able to hear Him clearly above the din of countless voices vying for our attention.
Are you withdrawing these days? Have you put off times with Father, telling yourself that you’ll get to that when things settle down a bit, or when you get past this next hump in your life? I know that temptation well, and I have too often fallen to it. I encourage you to act today, Disciple, even as I am being challenged to do so. Withdraw, even for a little while, into the intimacy of prayer. Let His voice be the one you hear, and let His Word be the refreshment that revives you. He is ever ready to embrace you. After all, as our ancient brother James wrote, “Come near to God and He will come near to you” (James 4:8).
Seeking out the lonely place for the best company of all,