Dear Disciple: Resolved (Happy New Year!)

Dear Disciple,

“RESOLVE: noun. firm determination to do something.”  [Oxford Languages]

“RESOLVE: noun. firmness of purpose or intent; determination.” []

We are called to be a resolute people. A people of resolve. Whatever you might think of making and pursuing New Year resolutions, resolutions are themselves necessary allies in our training to become like our Master Jesus.

He did, after all, demonstrate a tremendous resolve in His mortal days. How else can we explain the focus, excellence, and consistency of His life and ministry? And He was following the example of His Father in the heavens. How resolute our God has been throughout His millennia-long work of restoration and recreation!

What are you firmly determined to do? What is a great desire of your heart that you are willing to pursue with commitment and persistence? Of course, the world will offer you all manner of resolutions to chase, but you are being beckoned by a wise and loving Master to greater and more satisfying things than the world can even conceive of. I encourage you, as this new year begins, to listen carefully for His voice.

What area(s) of thinking, speaking, or behaving would He have you repent about or improve upon? He has immense love for you just the way you are, but He also has every intention of shaping you further and more fully to be like He is. That process will require your cooperation, as all training does, and your cooperation will have to be resolute if the process is going to be as fruitful as our Master desires.

Our resolutions are not meant to be rooted in ourselves – neither our own wisdom nor our own strength. As servants of the Master who is on the move and on mission, we are called to listen to His wisdom through the Scriptures and His Spirit, and we are called to draw on His power readily available through His abiding presence.

With so much at stake in the cosmic war that is going on, may the disciples of Jesus be a resolute and determined people. May we dedicate our intelligence, emotions, and physical strength to partnering with our Master in however much of the coming year He gives us to live and serve Him in this mortal world. As we do, He will keep His every promise and generously pour out His sustaining and empowering provisions on us. He is resolved to fulfill His part of this covenant we share. Let us be resolved, too, come what may!

Resolved with you,


Ryan Parish

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