For he grew up before Him as a tender plant and as a root out of a dry ground. He has no form or majesty that we should look upon him nor appearance that we should desire him. Isaiah 53:2
The culture we live in is obsessed with the glory of physical beauty. So much, that there are products being promoted daily to ensure a complete makeover. Unsurprisingly, this influence has led to millions having a negative perception of their own appearance as some feel there is a standard that cannot be met.
Consider the opening verse of this devotional in the way it describes our creator. This prophecy about the coming of Jesus depicts Him in a much different way than those in Hollywood films. Unlike the movies where Christ has a distinct hair style and heroic nature setting Him apart from the rest, Isaiah states that there is nothing in the physical nature of Jesus that would make us desire Him. It is all in who He was. Not how He looked.
This reality about Christ speaks a lot to what matters most to God. As a culture, we easily get caught up in the admiration of those with visible qualities. Christ however, left the luxury of His kingdom to identify with the nobodies. Even those who physically did not look “attractive” outwardly. If Christ chose an appearance that related to the lowest of people, how much more concern He must have for the hearts condition.
There are a lot of ways we give thought to our outward appearance. I know people who are caught up in the dilemma of feeling like they are not attractive enough. For others, it might be a matter of taking pride in their qualities. For instance, when I sought a position at my former church, I depended greatly on my public speaking abilities hoping an entertaining personality would catch others attention. The truth is that none of these matter to God. What concerns Him most is our desire to love Him and others just as He has loved us.
By Andrew Inman