Dear Disciple: The Gaze of God

Dear Disciple,

“For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked leads to destruction.”

Psalm 1:6 (NIV)

Do you believe what our brother David wrote so confidently so long ago?  Are you convinced as you go about your business today that the one true God, who rules and sustains the entirety of the visible and invisible cosmos, personally watches over your way?

Some time ago I watched a debate between two very intelligent and successful British-born brothers, one a militant atheist and the other a staunch defender of the Christian faith. The atheist debater, the late Christopher Hitchens, derisively mocked the whole notion that, even if He did exist, God would take special interest in the specific thoughts, words, and actions of individuals on this tiny little planet. As I listened to Professor Hitchens’ dismissive tirade, I was forced to consider how audacious a claim it really is that God Himself has personal regard for our ways and our lives. If it’s not true, the claim really is insanely arrogant and deluded. If it is true, it is a humbling and sobering cause for gratitude and thanksgiving.

Yahweh, the one and only living God – the very same God who created and shepherds all things and has caused nations to rise and fall – has specific concern for you, Disciple. He stands guard over your life and has committed Himself to your welfare. This is a privilege and a grace that you enjoy as one of His righteous ones, but always remember that the righteousness you have comes to you by trusting in the man Jesus (Romans 1:17). Adopted as His child, you are under His banner of enduring love.

Righteousness is a state of the heart and an active response to God’s truth. You are righteous by faith, but remember that you must choose to be righteous today. Honor the generosity of His loving protection by obeying His commands. Know that you can risk showing the love and selflessness He calls you to show because He is watching over your way. You are never alone as you make the hard decisions to love, forgive, and share. He is not just observing silently from His distant Heavenly vantage point; He is very near in partnership with you through His Holy Spirit who fills you.  

Serve Him as He watches over your way, Disciple, for this is the duty and privilege of the righteous ones who are so blessed to belong to His Kingdom.

Living under the tender gaze of the Father with you,


Ryan Parish

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