Dear Disciple: Father and Son

Dear Disciple,

(John 3:31-36)

“The Father loves the Son and has placed everything in His hands.”  

What a beautiful statement about the Father’s relationship to His Beloved, your Master. The Father loves the Son. Incredibly, you have been welcomed into a Kingdom and community defined by love. This same Father is the One who so loved the world that He gave this Son that He loves so that those who believe might have the life of the age to come (John 3:15). As deep a love as the Father and Son shared, they conspired to enlarge the circle of their love to include the people of our fallen world.  

Not only does Father love Jesus, He respects and trusts Him. Why else would He entrust everything into His Son’s hands? Everything! All that exists belongs to God, and He handed it all over to the care of His wise and faithful Son. Not surprisingly, the Son was determined to use the authority given to Him to bring honor and glory to the Father. You see, the Son loves the Father and placed Himself in the Father’s hands. The love and trust has always been entirely mutual between them.

Now let’s consider this mind-blowing facet of these things: the Son loves His disciples and has plans to place everything into their hands. There are many statements of the future place of honor of the saints throughout the New Testament. The apostle Paul wrote, “if we endure, we will also reign with Him” (2 Timothy 2:12). This same Paul also said that “if we are children, then we are heirs – heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ” (Romans 8:17).  

Just a reminder for this new day, Disciple: you are deeply loved and are being cultivated to be ready for the trust that your Master intends to place in you. The Father loves and trusts His Son. The Son loves and trusts His Father. The Father and Son love you (and your brothers and sisters) and are eager to entrust their kingdom into your care. Live as a royal heir in training. Take your work and stewardship seriously. Do it well – whatever it is in your unique life. Give it your all and seek to honor the Father in everything just as Your Master always did. As you do, find joy in the hope of hearing your Master declare:

“Well done, good and faithful servant!  You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.  Come and share your master’s happiness!” (Matthew 25:23)

It’s a good day to love and entrust yourself to the One who is loved and trusted by the Father Himself. He upholds and tends to the entire universe. You’re in very good hands.

Loving and trusting Him with you,


Ryan Parish

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